World of Warcraft Facts You Didnt Know

World of Warcraft is a very popular MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Part-Playing Game), and I'thou sure you must have played it or seen information technology played, or at least heard about it. Whether y'all are a die-hard fan of this game or just playing information technology to pass the fourth dimension, the facts I volition list hither near WOW will surely fascinate yous. Here we get!

20 Interesting World of Warcraft Facts

The WOW game has been on the market for a long time. Children who started it in 2004 are now adults, merely the fact is they are nonetheless playing. This addictive game has accomplished great popularity worldwide, but there are still some facts virtually this game that will surely amuse you.

1. The Servers of WOW Are Really Huge

When it comes to MMORPGs, servers play a very important role. If we're talking about Globe of Warcraft, information technology definitely needs some huge servers to accommodate the mass of global players. This fact may shock you lot, but the full hardware requirements of WOW include:

  • 13250 server blades
  • 112.5 TB (Terabytes) memory
  • i.2 Petabytes storage
  • 75000 cores
World of Warcraft Facts

Credit: perezhilton

The above figures were from 2009 and they must certainly accept increased in the meantime.

two. To Support "World of Azeroth" World, WOW Servers Are Linked To Many AT&T Centers

World of Warcraft Facts

Credit: funnyjunk

If you've played WOW, I'm sure yous're familiar with World of Azeroth, only if you don't, rest assured that information technology'south a very expansive earth. "Azeroth" is the world where most of the Warcraft series is set. To support such a vast globe, WOW'due south servers are continued to many AT&T centers around the globe. Wherever these data centers are located, they are the actual locations in Azeroth. These locations include Frankfurt, Dallas, Stockholm, Paris, San Diego, etc.

3. There Are Over 100 Million WOW Accounts

Since the introduction of WOW, over 100 million individual accounts take been gear up. This is twice every bit many as the population of South korea and corresponds to the combined population of Sweden, Germany, and Republic of belarus.

iv. WOW Is Played In More than 244 Countries & Territories

World of Warcraft Facts

Credit: Kierabrowna2media.blogspot

Yeah, information technology'due south pretty difficult to believe, but it's true. Globe of Warcraft is played in over 244 countries and territories around the world. This includes places like Christmas Island, the Bahamas, and Tokelau.

5. The Content Inside Globe of Warcraft Is Something Beyond What Y'all Think

World of Warcraft is not just about plundering golden and beating enemies. In fact, it has a classic storyline, detailed worlds to explore, and cracking orchestral music that will surprise you. I will briefly explain the scope of the content below:

  • World of Warcraft is one of the biggest video games in the earth.
  • The WOW Wiki has almost 100k pages of content.
  • It takes about 44-audio CDs but to concord its audio effects and music.
  • With every expansion, WOW'due south storyline besides grows.
  • There are about vi one thousand thousand words in the game, which is equivalent to twelve copies of Lord of the Rings.

half dozen. Earth of Warcraft Has Well-nigh 619 Unique Pets & 504 Unique Mounts

If you want to explore the world of Azeroth, you'll need a companion who volition stand faithfully by your side. WOW is the merely video game that offers hundreds of pets and mounts to choose from.

7. Popularity Of World of Warcraft Online Is Unbelievable

In 1 year more than 50 million people google this game. Information technology has 5.2 million likes on Facebook and 408K Twitter followers. But that's not all. Every year, players post well-nigh 26 million videos on YouTube about the game, and 87 million people spotter the official channel.

eight. The WOW: Wrath Of Lich Male monarch Sold More Than 1933 Copies Each Minute During Its Launch

This is certainly a very impressive fact. When Earth of Warcraft: Wrath of Lich King was introduced, it sold more than 1933 copies every minute. Yeah, every minute, people! Can you believe that? That brought total sales to 2.8 1000000 copies past the finish of the get-go day. After that day, it set the record for the fastest selling video game of all fourth dimension.

9. It Even Has Some Celebrities As Its Players

The allure of WOW is so great that some unexpected people play information technology. This includes celebrities. Curt Shilling, Vin Diesel, Mila Kunis, Yao Ming, and Felicia Twenty-four hours are known every bit real geeks in their spare time, equally they all play WOW.

ten. Even Some Politicians Play World of Warcraft

In 2012, Colleen Lachowicz was a senator for the land of Maine. Her political opposition thought it would exist a great trick to discredit her prototype as a practical candidate. She plays WOW. Her opponents set a website just to run a entrada against her. They clearly said on the website: "Maine needs a good land senator who lives in the real earth, not in video game fantasies." The best affair about this is that instead of spoiling her political prototype, this link to World of Warcraft ended upward propelling her to victory in the election.

11. Players Fifty-fifty Die Because Of WOW

You may accept read stories in which players die when they play games over a very long flow of time. You will be shocked to read this, just Globe of Warcraft is one such game that is often on the list. The main cause is called "deep vein thrombosis". This is a problem when people sit for long periods of time. It is associated with air travel, travel, and now video games. My personal advice is to get up and walk often. Never sit down for long periods of fourth dimension.

12. At that place Are Even Clones Of Earth of Warcraft

WOW has become so popular that in that location are now fifty-fifty clones worldwide. These clones usually come from China and behave titles like Runes of Magic, World of Fight, Allods Online, etc. They have like interfaces and game elements that are reminiscent of WOW. You can't blame them because the original game is so expert.

13. The Staffs & Code Lines Of World of Warcraft

From the statistics we've collected, it's clear that Blizzard Entertainment has most 150 programmers or developers working on the game. It took 4 long years to write five.5 million lines of code for WOW.

fourteen. The Subscribers Of WOW

When the 4th expansion World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria was introduced, the subscriber base of operations reached more than 11 million. This was indeed an outstanding and first-time achievement for Blizzard Entertainment ( the creators of WOW). The number of its previous subscribers was approximately 9.ane million. All the same, the latest news is that the number of subscribers has dropped to betwixt 7 and 8 1000000.

xv. You Want To Know How Much World of Warcraft Makes?

Blizzard Entertainment makes a lot of coin with their game. According to the latest statistics and reports, WOW has net revenues of $1.324 billion (March 31, 2013), and this effigy is higher than Blizzard ever predicted. It is 12.96% higher than final yr's revenue ($1.172 billion).

16. One Out Of V Subscribers To World of Warcraft Is Female person

World of Warcraft Facts

Credit: elitedaily

You see, even girls play video games. According to statistics, 1 in 5 subscribers to WOW is a woman. In total, 16% of WOW players are female (about 1,600,000), and that must have increased by now.

17. "Humans" Is The Most Popular WOW Race

Aside from all of these races, the most popular of World of Warcraft'south races is the Humans. Yous'll be surprised to read that WOW players complete 16.5 million quests and participate in 3.5 meg auctions per day.

xviii. More Than 13-Million Players Pay Monthly Subscription Of $fifteen.49 For WOW

Yes, many players pay monthly subscriptions to this game at $15.49. This means that Blizzard Entertainment makes about $150 million a calendar month, which translates into $1.vii billion a year. This is merely an approximation, and this number will go on to abound as the expansions are launched. Information technology's no wonder they're able to afford such huge servers and expansions. The money from their subscribers helps them grow.

xix. A Homo Queued For 36-Hours Just To Be The Showtime Ane To Purchase WOW's Expansion But He Collapsed Out Of Excitement



More than 2500 players lined upwards exterior one of the game stores on Oxford Street for the WOW: Warth of Lich Male monarch expansion. A man stood in line for 36 hours just to be the beginning to buy information technology. When he reached the counter, he was then excited that he collapsed.

20. An Average American Warcraft Player Spends Over 23-Hours A Week

On average, American Warcraft players spend more than 23 hours a calendar week playing this game. The main reason for this? Without a incertitude: habit!

Read Side by side:  10 Near Expensive Video Games E'er Made


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