Trans Girl Comic 8 Panel Line Art July 2bd

Webcomic by Jeph Jacques

Questionable Content
A recent Questionable Content strip.

A sample QC console, featuring characters (L-R) Marten, Bubbles, Pintsize, and Faye.

Author(s) Jeph Jacques
Current condition/schedule Updates every weekday
Launch date August i, 2003; 18 years ago  (2003-08-01)
Genre(s) Humor/Slice of life

Questionable Content (sometimes abbreviated every bit QC[ane] ) is a slice-of-life webcomic written and illustrated by Jeph Jacques. It was launched in August 2003 and as of April 2021 reached its 4,500th comic.[2] The plot originally centered on Marten Reed, an indie rock fan; his anthropomorphized personal figurer Pintsize; his roommate, Faye Whitaker; their mutual friend, Dora Bianchi; and their neighbour Hannelore Ellicott-Chatham. However, over time a supporting bandage of characters has grown to include employees of the local coffee shop, neighbors, and androids. QC 's storytelling style combines romantic melodrama, situational comedy, and sexual humor, while because questions of relationships, sexuality, dealing with emotional trauma, and artificial intelligence and futurism.

Jacques has made his living exclusively from QC merchandising and advertising. Past 2004, Jacques could support himself and his then-fiancée based on income from merchandise and advertising sales.[iii]

Background [edit]

Creator of Questionable Content, Jeph Jacques, in 2012

In 2003, Jacques worked at a local paper in Easthampton, Massachusetts answering telephones. According to Jacques, the large corporeality of gratuitous fourth dimension and access to the Internet led him to read webcomics "as something to do".[4] Jacques stated, "I've e'er been really interested in music, and indie rock specifically, and I never saw any other comics that dealt with that aspect of our culture. I felt like there was a niche in that location that would piece of work."[5] Jacques posted the starting time QC on August 1, 2003.[3] [# i]

Jacques makes his living from QC merchandising and advertizement. By 2004, Jacques could support himself and his and then-partner based on income from trade and advertising sales.[3] Trade has included designing T-shirts for the characters in the comic to habiliment, and so selling real T-shirts of the same design.[6] As of 2008, Jacques had not expanded his business exterior the comic and related merchandise.[7] [ needs update ] The comic is also supported past donors through Patreon.[eight]

Jacques promoted the comic in a number of ways including joining Dayfree Press for some time, and starting a false feud with Sam Logan, the creator of Sam and Fuzzy, trading insults while linking to each other'due south comic.[8]

Publication [edit]

Questionable Content was originally updated twice a week and was later bumped to three strips a calendar week.[9] In September 2004, Jacques left his 24-hour interval job to begin updating Monday through Friday.[10]

According to Jacques, at one point he would take sought newspaper syndication for Questionable Content, just the thought no longer appealed to him because he does not want to surrender editorial freedom.[11] The webcomic has been published in physical books; to appointment, six volumes have been released,[12] covering strips 1–1799. The starting time print collection features some of the earliest strips redrawn in Jacques art fashion at the time of the book; Jacques said this was because he did non have high-resolution copies of some old strips.[thirteen]

Manner [edit]

Both the methods of storytelling and the artistic style of the strip take changed considerably since its inception. Originally, Jacques intended the strip to be about "a depressed lonely guy and his robot", but the introduction of the female person character Faye led to an increment in Jacques' ideas for the strip.[4] While QC is still seen as one of the main rock comic strips,[fourteen] the story has come to focus more on the character development and humor of the strip.[15] Jacques told interviewers that he makes sure every individual QC strip "has at least one affair in it that someone who does not know annihilation about obscure ring x would find funny."[sixteen]

Jacques spoke on the evolution of his fine art in an interview at ComixTalk in March 2006:

The art is constantly irresolute, as anybody who reads the comic for more than two weeks could probably tell y'all. I'm ever trying different things with the artwork- information technology's been a goal from day one to continually improve my drawing ability, and I think it's finally beginning to get to the bespeak where I'm halfway decent at information technology. It's basically survival of the fittest- changes that I think fit in with the overall expect I'k going for stick around and get refined, and changes that do not fit in go phased out, sometimes in the course of three or four strips, sometimes over a much longer span of fourth dimension. I'm trying to get better at using different "camera angles" in each console and doing more involved backgrounds, both of which are actually just a affair of being patient and taking my time with the artwork. In that location's still tons of room for improvement, and ever volition be, but I think I'g at least making progress.

Jeph Jacques, ComixTalk [16]

Jacques uses a Wacom Cintiq graphics tablet[17] with Clip Studio Paint to draw his strips.[18] He has cited Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes) and the webcomic Scary Go Circular as his chief influences.[15] QC has also featured guest comics, often in substitution for Jacques writing a guest comic for the creator or for cross-promotion.[8]

Synopsis [edit]

Setting [edit]

Questionable Content takes place in Northampton, Massachusetts. Frequent settings include an apartment shared by Marten, Faye and Pintsize; Coffee of Doom, Dora'due south coffee shop, where Hannelore, Penelope, Cosette, Emily, and Dale work; and Smif College's Williston Library[# 2] where Marten is employed forth with Tai and Claire. (The real Williston Library is at Mount Holyoke Higher; the public library in Easthampton, Jacques's former residence, is too called the Williston Library.) The comic is mostly realistic with occasional bouts of absurdity, and action primarily focuses on barrack between the characters, with slowly progressing plot developments. Due to the emphasis on inter-character dialogue, Jacques rarely uses thought bubbles in the comic.

Early in the comic's run, the main drama arose from tension between Faye and Marten. The two were roommates and Marten was romantically interested in Faye, but barriers would continue the relationship from happening.[8]

The comic appears to be set in a reality like to our own, but with a futuristic twist. For case, references to music and bands in diverse strips are current and relevant at the time of publication. On the other hand, the setting is filled with sentient, emotive bogus intelligences with individual personalities (referred to as "AnthroPCs" or "AIs"),[1] [# 3] which oft collaborate with homo characters as though they have been doing so for a significant amount of time. According to academic Rebecca Gibson, "the differences betwixt robots and humans in QC are treated in means that minimalize conflict, maximize attempts at understanding, and accost people as people, regardless of their organo-metallic content... While some take jobs, those jobs are either voluntarily done to maintain independence, or done to earn money for their own benefit. They accept selection and autonomy and sentience, and while they are not treated as complete equals—at that place are plotlines about body purchases and upgrades, and what is wanted versus what can be afforded, as well as comments about personalities—they are, past and large, treated well." AIs tin can cull companionship and fifty-fifty sex. AIs can be just every bit good or every bit unpleasant every bit humans.[19] Almost all bots take artificial skin colour, such equally blue, royal, and pink.[20] Jacques remarked of the setting as far back as 2005:[21]

Something people practice not ofttimes realize is that the world in which QC takes identify is considerably stranger than our own. You'd think that with all the footling talking robots running around everywhere that this would exist obvious, but I am consistently surprised at how oftentimes people take it for granted.

AnthroPCs are the but consistent signs of advanced applied science in the series; when other technological advances are referenced, they rarely go developed beyond i or two strips. For instance, some of the notable technological creations in QC are the Deathbot 9000;[22] a Vespa scooter that transforms into a boxing droid;[# 4] humans living permanently in infinite, single stage to orbit ramjet-powered spaceplanes, orbital defense force satellites capable of conversation.[# 5] The permanent human presence in infinite was elaborated on in a story arc set up aboard the space station where Hannelore grew up.

The internal chronology of the strip is somewhat ambiguous; on Jan thirteen, 2006, Jacques stated on a LiveJournal fan community that he has "never sat downwards and exactly tabulated," but he suspects the full amount of elapsed QC time at that point was "no more than six months."[23] In a Q&A Tumblr postal service on January 23, 2012, Jacques estimated that it had been "at to the lowest degree a couple years in comic-fourth dimension since the strip started."[24]

Characters [edit]

Questionable Content features a diverse group of characters, with an academic noting that "the cast of characters contains many people of color, the various companion and working bots, a trans woman, a human with a bionic paw, [a] spider bot, a dominatrix, an autistic woman, a woman with obsessive compulsive disorder, and a station-controlling AI presence. In other words, Jacques has created a globe that not simply reflects the diversity of our own in terms of gender, sexuality, disability, mental health, and ethnicity, but has added and addressed issues of AI and robotics."[1]

  • Marten Reed was QC 's original master grapheme[1] and the showtime to character introduced to the comic. An indie rock fan, he is a former cocky-described "office bitch"[# six] who now works every bit a library assistant.[25] He is generally optimistic, laid-back, and altruistic when information technology comes to relationships. He has no pets, but owns an AnthroPC named Pintsize.[25] Marten and Faye are roommates, and have been so since strip 22.[# seven] As of strip 2807, he is dating library intern Claire.[# viii]
  • Pintsize is Marten's companion bot[20] and was the second character introduced in the comic's inaugural strip.[# nine] He is impish, mischievous, impulsive, and filthy-minded, alienating those he comes into contact with, has a massive database of porn, touches people'due south butts without consent, and is in general unpleasant. He later buys a human-standard chassis, and realizes that his previous pranks and hijinks won't be accepted by his friends while he is in this new body. However, his obsession with butts continues: in a later strip, #4750 titled "Getting Her Upwardly To Speed," Pintsize protests "Hey, don't lump me into the anti-analingus group!"[20] [viii] He especially enjoys harassing or pranking Faye, although his hijinks are usually brought to end past some grade of punishment, such as dismemberment, replacement of body parts with other objects, or being stuffed with bird seed.[# 10] He is often used for comic relief, throw-away gags, or punchlines. All the same, he continues to exist a companion to Marten, originally serving equally a sounding board during Marten's more than introspective moments.
  • Faye Whitaker is Marten's best friend. Having met him in strip three,[# 11] she moved in with him after she accidentally burned down her apartment. Prior to moving to Northampton, she witnessed her father's suicide; in the first serious moment of the comic, Jacques devoted six strips to covering the subject, accompanied by a direct notation to his audition.[# 12] Faye is known for her quick wit,[# 13] sharp tongue,[# 14] and usually playful, but sometimes violent, physicality.[# 15] For the majority of the comic, Faye worked alongside Dora at the Coffee of Doom, but was fired after Dora caught her being drunkard at piece of work.[# xvi] Faye and then began working in an undercover robot fighting ring where she developed a friendship and then a romantic relationship with ane of the robots at that place, Bubbles,[# 17] with whom she at present runs Union Robotics, a robot repair shop.[1] She is in a human relationship with Bubbles.
  • Dora Bianchi, Tai'south fiancée, is a bisexual[# 18] former goth who owns and operates the coffee store Coffee of Doom. Her outset appearance was in strip 75.[# nineteen] She and Marten used to date. In the past, she has struggled with a addiction of hiding her personal problems, such as her self-claimed social anxiety[# 20] or trust bug caused by previous relationships.[26] In fact, it was the latter issue which led to her and Marten'southward breakup.[# 21] Tai and Dora declared their engagement in strip 3989.[# 22] [# 23]
  • Hannelore Ellicott-Chatham (nicknamed Hanners) is Marten's and Faye'south eccentric upstairs neighbor. She has a rather severe instance of obsessive–compulsive disorder and is an insomniac.[# 6] She at present works for Coffee of Doom.[# 24] Despite her pathological fastidiousness, Hannelore has v piercings in each ear.[# 25] Her parents are both billionaires, just her female parent paid little attending to her; she was raised by her father in a infinite station. She has an AnthroPC named Winslow whose advent initially resembled an iPod Classic simply has since upgraded to a more humanoid trunk type. Hannelore commencement appeared in comic 515.[# 26]
  • Tai Hubbert studied English at Smif College and is now Marten's dominate at the library. She is a lesbian with a very active and complicated love life and sports numerous tattoos on her arms. Equally her preferred genre of music is minimal techno, she also works every bit a DJ nether the proper name Tai Fighter (an allusion to Tie fighter). Tai first appeared in comic 691 and is engaged to Dora.[# 2]
  • Marigold Farmer is an avid gamer. She is very introverted, despite having acknowledged her desire to exist "less of a shut-in",[# 27] and at low points, she has shown a tendency to ignore personal hygiene. She is likewise obsessed with anime and manga and has a Japanese-style AnthroPC named Momo.[# 28] She is in a human relationship with Dale, who she initially interacted with as an adversary on World of Warcraft. She first appeared in strip number 1413.
  • Dale (surname unknown) is a video game enthusiast, playing a large amount of World of Warcraft. To back up his mother and pay for his otherwise sedentary lifestyle, he worked "a bunch of jobs" including delivering pizzas, though he is now working at Java of Doom.[# 29] [# thirty] He is frequently seen wearing an augmented reality device in the course of spectacles, which for a brief menstruum enabled him to see and antipodal with May, an imprisoned AI,[# 31] who has since been released. He and Marigold are in a relationship.
  • Claire Augustus is an intern at the Smif College library and an aspiring librarian, start appearing in comic 2203.[# 32] Her younger brother is Clinton; the siblings resemble each other closely plenty to sometimes be mistaken for twins.[# 33] Claire is a trans woman,[# 34] a fact that makes her self-conscious and causes her and Clinton to worry about her personal safe. Claire and Marten have been dating since strip 2807.[# 35]
  • Bubbles is a burgundy-colored former combat-bot. Her large size makes her seem intimidating, though she is naturally shy. Bubbling owns and runs a robot repair shop with her partner Faye.[1]

Recognition [edit]

Questionable Content was used along with Penny Arcade, Fetus-X and American Elf equally an instance of comics using the web to create "an explosion of various genres and styles" in Scott McCloud'southward 2006 book Making Comics.[27] The comic has been used in the Create a Comic Projection, a New Haven, Connecticut youth literacy programme sponsored in part by Yale University.[28]

Questionable Content was recognized several times by the Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards. Information technology received at to the lowest degree one nomination every year from 2004 to 2008 (the final yr the WCCA gave out awards), and won six awards including winning Outstanding Romantic Comic 3 years in a row.[29] [30] [31] [32] [33]

Bookish Dennis Kogel used Questionable Content equally a instance study every bit function of their 2013 MA thesis. Kogel notes that the comic has ofttimes changed styles, characters and themes over the years, and has washed and then without marking the start of episodes. Kogel said that QC had evolved over fourth dimension into a very different work, "staying the same in name only", arguing that it was difficult to come across the "crudely drawn" and loose cartoon mode of QC of 2005, the "more manga styled" QC of 2008 and the more experimental QC of 2012 as the aforementioned world and characters.[13]

QC'south depiction of artificial intelligence is discussed in Rebecca Gibson's 2020 volume Desire in the Age of Robots and AI, specifically in chapters relating to robot sex activity and sexuality.[34]

References [edit]

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d e f Gibson, Rebecca (2020). Desire in the age of robots and AI : investigations in science fiction and fact. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 114. ISBN978-three-030-24017-2. OCLC 1114506227.
  2. ^ Jacques, Jeph (April 2021). "4500: Nosotros've Been Here Earlier". Questionable Content. Archived from the original on April nine, 2021.
  3. ^ a b c Villarreal, Yvonne (May 22, 2009). "Comic strip artists feeling the squeeze". Los Angeles Times . Retrieved May 22, 2009.
  4. ^ a b Brownish, Joel (August 29, 2008). "No question, he's a success; Easthampton artist's comic strip is a surprise hit on the Spider web (pg. 1)". The Boston Globe . Retrieved August 29, 2008.
  5. ^ Farnsworth, Anna (October 21, 2007). "From doodles to Spider web star; Artist fulfills dream, finds success with online comic strip". The Boston Globe. p. R10.
  6. ^ Plamondon, Raphaël (Wintertime 2018). "The Sustainability of Free Content: Learning from Webcomics". Moving Through the Grey: Publishing in Action. i: 120.
  7. ^ Hiltzig, Andrew (July 28, 2007). "Big boys enter the Web-comic arena". Los Angeles Times. p. E20. Retrieved July 31, 2008.
  8. ^ a b c d e Misemer, Leah (June 7, 2019). "A Historical Approach to Webcomics: Digital Authorship in the Early 2000s". The Comics Grid: Periodical of Comics Scholarship. 9 (1): x. doi:ten.16995/cg.162. ISSN 2048-0792.
  9. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "You're Ruining The Moment (Newspost)". QuestionableContent.cyberspace . Retrieved Baronial 29, 2008.
  10. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "I Am Sorry, Arcade Fire Dude (Newspost)". . Retrieved July 29, 2008.
  11. ^ Brown, Joel (Baronial 29, 2008). "No question, he's a success; Easthampton artist's comic strip is a surprise hit on the Web (pg. 2)". The Boston World . Retrieved August 29, 2008.
  12. ^ "Jeph Jacques". TopatoCo . Retrieved May 10, 2021.
  13. ^ a b Kogel, Dennis (January 16, 2013). "Rethinking Webcomics: Webcomics every bit a Screen Based Medium" (PDF). Jyväskylä Academy.
  14. ^ Moorman, Trent (March 6, 2007). "Toilet Humor". The Stranger . Retrieved July 31, 2008.
  15. ^ a b O'Rourke, Matt (March 16, 2007). "Pioneer Valley comic artist uses the web to attain readers". The Daily Collegian. Archived from the original on April eleven, 2008. Retrieved July 31, 2008.
  16. ^ a b Curtis, George (March 2006). "Questionable Creator: George Curtis Interviews Jeph Jacques". . Retrieved July 31, 2008.
  17. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Over The Bodies Of The Fallen".
  18. ^ Jacques, Jeph (March 2, 2021). "It's all I've used to make comics for years now! I but use photoshop for final layout and occasional other prototype editing. But I think it might be time to drop it entirely". Twitter . Retrieved April 27, 2021. {{cite spider web}}: CS1 maint: url-condition (link)
  19. ^ Gibson, Rebecca (2020). Want in the historic period of robots and AI : investigations in scientific discipline fiction and fact. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 114–119. ISBN978-iii-030-24017-2. OCLC 1114506227.
  20. ^ a b c Gibson, Rebecca (2020). Want in the age of robots and AI : investigations in science fiction and fact. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 119. ISBN978-3-030-24017-two. OCLC 1114506227.
  21. ^ "Questionable Content". world wide web.questionablecontent.cyberspace . Retrieved Jan xviii, 2017.
  22. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "A Very Literal Flame-War". QuestionableContent.cyberspace . Retrieved Feb 14, 2009.
  23. ^ Jacques, Jeph (January 13, 2006). "Question". QC_Comic. LiveJournal. Archived from the original on July 14, 2012. Retrieved July 31, 2008.
  24. ^ Jacques, Jeph (January 23, 2012). "QA Dump #24". . Retrieved January 23, 2012.
  25. ^ a b Ordonorff, Patrick (August 18, 2008). "10 Great Webcomics Yous Should Not Share With Your Kids". Wired . Retrieved September 3, 2008.
  26. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Cheat Sheets".
  27. ^ McCloud, Scott (2006). Making Comics . New York City: Harper Collins. ISBN0-06-078094-0.
  28. ^ McLoughlin, Pamela (March 19, 2007). "Cartoons propel creative procedure". New Haven Register . Retrieved July 31, 2008. [ permanent dead link ]
  29. ^ "The 2004 Cartoonist's Choice Awards". Jan 17, 2010. Archived from the original on January 17, 2010. Retrieved April 21, 2021.
  30. ^ "The 2005 Cartoonist's Pick Awards". January 9, 2010. Archived from the original on January 9, 2010. Retrieved Apr 21, 2021.
  31. ^ "Webcartoonists' Choice Awards 2006 Online Ceremony". February 8, 2007. Archived from the original on February eight, 2007. Retrieved April 21, 2021.
  32. ^ "The 2007 Cartoonist's Choice Awards". December 28, 2009. Archived from the original on Dec 28, 2009. Retrieved April 21, 2021.
  33. ^ "The Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards - 2008 Listing of Winners & Finalists". March 10, 2009. Archived from the original on March ten, 2009. Retrieved April 21, 2021.
  34. ^ Gibson, Rebecca (2020). Desire in the Historic period of Robots and AI: An Investigation in Science Fiction and Fact. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-24017-two. ISBN978-3-030-24016-5. S2CID 202247913.

Story notes [edit]

  1. ^ Jacques, Jeph (2005). "Don't Push button Your Luck". . Retrieved Apr 27, 2021. August 1st marks the 2nd anniversary of the outset of QC! {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ a b Jacques, Jeph. "That One Never Gets Old".
  3. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Accostation".
  4. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Custom Bundle". . Retrieved Feb 14, 2009.
  5. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Made from Cows?". QuestionableContent.cyberspace . Retrieved February fourteen, 2009.
  6. ^ a b "Questionable Content". . Retrieved Jan nine, 2017.
  7. ^ "Questionable Content". questionablecontent.cyberspace . Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  8. ^ "Questionable Content". . Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  9. ^ "Employment Sucks". world wide . Retrieved May 10, 2021.
  10. ^ "Questionable Content". questionablecontent.internet . Retrieved January eighteen, 2017.
  11. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "True Professionals".
  12. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "The Talk, Function 5".
  13. ^ "Questionable Content". questionablecontent.internet . Retrieved January 18, 2017.
  14. ^ "Questionable Content". . Retrieved January eighteen, 2017.
  15. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "No Fit Land".
  16. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Homeward Bound".
  17. ^ "Questionable Content". . Retrieved January 18, 2017.
  18. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Much Too Much Information".
  19. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Provocative".
  20. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Lost In Translation".
  21. ^ "Questionable Content". world wide . Retrieved January 18, 2017.
  22. ^ "Questionable Content". . Retrieved September 9, 2020.
  23. ^ "Questionable Content".
  24. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "7kHz at 120dB".
  25. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Shame, shame".
  26. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Smokin' In The Boys Room".
  27. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Oh The Memories".
  28. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "But Considering You're Paranoid".
  29. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "A Budding Romance".
  30. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Roamin' Candles".
  31. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Then Sweet And Demure".
  32. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Hubbert's Peak".
  33. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Acid Run into Base".
  34. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "Willingly Ignorant".
  35. ^ Jacques, Jeph. "You And Me".

External links [edit]

  • Official website


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